Haggar voltron legendary defender
Haggar voltron legendary defender

haggar voltron legendary defender

  • Commander Ladnok - Presumably killed by Trugg or her forces.
  • Warlord Ranveig - Presumably killed by Sendak (given that he is not seen after being defeated by him, that he has not returned to his base containing his weapon, and that Krolia is sure Ranveig is dead or else Trugg would not be attacking his base).
  • Virus - Destroyed by Lance and Voltron shooting an energy wave into its mouth.
  • Letch - Blown up inside Branko's ship by Ryner with the ion cannon.
  • General Branko - Blown up inside his ship by Ryner with the ion cannon.
  • Commander Sniv - Stabbed or slashed by Haggar.
  • Emperor Zarkon - Stabbed by Lotor with a spear.
  • Narti - Slashed by Lotor because Haggar was using her to spy on him.
  • Te-osh - Mortally wounded from Galra ships shooting her ship.
  • haggar voltron legendary defender

  • Regris - Killed in explosion from when the Galra set the room he entered to blow up.
  • Hungry goat - Killed by overexposure to quintessence.
  • She was revived by dark quintessence as Haggar.
  • Honerva - Killed by overexposure to quintessence.
  • General Raht - Killed offscreen by Lotor.
  • His spirit remained inside the black lion's consciousness, and he was later revived by Allura.
  • Shiro - Was destroyed from the force of the attack he used to defeat Zarkon.
  • Druid that killed Antok - Stabbed by Kolivan.
  • Antok - Energy wave blasted through his chest from behind by a druid.
  • Thace - Blew himself up along with the core room of Zarkon's ship to cripple its power.
  • haggar voltron legendary defender

  • Drazil - Stabbed in his weak point by Keith, Pidge, and Voltron with Keith's sword.
  • Ulaz - Opened a space pocket inside Prorok and was destroyed along with him.
  • Commander Prorok - In Robeast form, imploded into nothingness when Ulaz opened a space pocket inside him.
  • Baku - Crushed by falling boulders caused by Lance and the blue lion shooting sonic waves at him.
  • haggar voltron legendary defender

  • King Alfor (AI) - Deactivated by Allura at his request due to being corrupted by Zarkon.
  • (Note: Ylvik and the interior of his ship are not shown, he is merely mentioned by name to be the subcommander of this ship)
  • Subcommander Ylvik - Blown up along with his ship by Allura with the castle's laser cannon.
  • Haxus - Sent falling over the edge by Rover.
  • Rover - Deactivated itself when Haxus was holding onto it, and fell along with him.

  • Haggar voltron legendary defender